"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
- Carl Gustav Jung
Experiential Learning Workshops & Retreats
Welcome to Ātmadhām, our offerings on self-development, contemplation, and personal growth.
From time to time, we offer workshops and retreats that allow participants to pause, reflect and learn. We work with psychological insights, in order to anchor the body and the spirit in our day to day life.
Each workshop has a specific theme and focus, and participants undertake the journey in a safe environment facilitated by experts in the area. Our cohort size ensures rigour and individual attention, while using the group as a learning resource. Our workshops require pre-registration, with relevant pre-work.
Our Upcoming Workshops
Calendar is work-in-progress. We will update the page soon.
Our Past Workshops
ArdhaNaraNāri : a journey into the masculine & the feminine
ArdhaNaraNāri: The union of the masculine and feminine in the Self is often reduced to just Man and Woman. This workshop is a visceral and somatic experience of the nature of Feminine and Masculine within oneself.
04 Saturdays for 3 hours, each
March 2021: 06, 13, 20, 27
Dishā : Building Foundation for the Future
Dishā, means 'the direction'. As a young adults, not only is the direction chosen important, but how one walks the path makes the difference.
06 Sundays for 2 hours, each
February 2021: 07, 14, 21, 28
March 2021: 07, 14
Paridhi: Developing Conscious Boundaries
Personal boundaries are an important and vital part of our relationships. It helps build physical and psychological safety which goes a long way in living a healthy life and being present to the events occurring in one’s life.
06 Saturdays for 2 hours, each
January 2021: 23, 30 & February 2021: 06, 13, 20, 27
Pankh: The coloured feathers of relationships
We exist in and through our relationships. This workshop explores the various aspects of relationships and is for anyone who wants to discover and understand themselves through experience of their close and distant relationships.
05 Sundays for 2 hours, each
December 2020: 06, 13, 20, 27 & January 2021: 03
ĀtmaSambandh - Navigating Transitions
Transitions are cross-roads in our life that bring us to a potential point of change. While disturbing the status-quo, transitions also offer an opportunity to re-examine our life and it's context.
06 Saturdays for 2 hours, each
November 2020: 21, 28 & December 2020: 05, 12, 19, 26
Designing Learning Interventions for Change | Experiential workshop for professional development
This workshop helps participants gain an understanding of the psychology of change process, the dynamics of learning interventions and the mechanics of event/workshop design. Useful for trainers, facilitators & change agents who offer learning events and workshops involving personal change.
3 Saturdays for 12hrs. online
October 2020: 24, 31 & November 2020: 01
Neev: Build to Live - Cultivating Resilience Experiential workshop
Neev in Sanskrit denotes foundation. The purpose of this weekly embodied learning group is to build a personal foundation for navigating the vicissitudes of life by developing inner capacity for resilience in a somatic-pscho-spiritual manner.
12 Sessions for 1.5hrs. online
April 2021 (Batch 2): 03, 10, 17, 24
April 2021 (Batch 1): 07, 14, 21
March 2021 (Batch 2): 06, 13, 20, 27
March 2021 (Batch 1): 03, 10, 17, 24, 31
February 2021 (Batch 2): 06, 13, 20, 27
February 2021 (Batch 1): 03, 10, 17, 24
May 2020: 23, 30
June 2020: 06, 13, 20, 27
July 2020: 04, 11, 18, 25
August 2020: 01, 08, 22
September 2020: 05
Sthira: the stillness within | Navigating Stress & Anxiety – an experiential workshop
Today, like never before, the world as we knew has changed quite dramatically and suddenly. With the aim of building inner capacities in response to stress and anxiety in these VUCA times, we at Pathways to Self are pleased to announce an experiential embodied workshop – offered as an online learning group (spread over 4 sessions of 2 hours each) – following psycho-somatic-spiritual approaches.
04 Sundays for 2 hours, online
August 9, 16, 23, 30
Dreams and Dreaming: The Descent - diving inwards
An event for past participants of dream workshops for a deeper dive into oneSelf using principles of depth analytical (Jungian) psychology.
2 - 4 September, 2020 / Online
25 - 27 March 2020 / Online
14 - 15 September 2019 / Online
I, U, We: 2 to tango? Conscious relationships
An experiential workshop that helps build an understanding of oneself through experience of one’s close and distant relationships.
We will examine the two living entities of I and U in the relationships and how they aid or hinder the formation of the WE.
We bring conscious awareness to our lives and our relationships and learn to build healthy relationship boundaries which provides a supportive space for one’s growth and togetherness of the relationship journey.
21 - 22 March 2020 / Mumbai
Navigating Career Transitions
An experiential workshop that helps build inner resources for dealing with workplace events that unravel without warning in today's VUCA environment. Career transitions test the mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual reserves. When these events are handled with awareness, they hold the potential to nourish and anchor us.
If you are currently experiencing a transition or anticipating and planning one, then this workshop helps you examine your patterns and enables internal tools to anchor oneself - emotionally, mentally, psychologically and spiritually. It helps you make conscious choices considering both your inner calling and social expectations and understand the implications of the career transition challenge on overall life purpose. Two 50 min. individual coaching sessions supplement the group learning and support specific individual action plan formulated post workshop completion.
22 - 23 February 2020 / Navi Mumbai
Dreams & Dreaming: A Jungian Odyssey
8 - 9 February 2020: In person workshop - part 1 (0930 - 1730 hrs. IST)
16 February 2020: Collective online work (0930 - 1230 hrs. IST)
1 March 2020: Collective online work (1400 - 1700 hrs. IST)
7 - 8 March 2020 In person workshop - part 2 (0930 - 1730 hrs. IST)
8 March 2020: 1 hour individual dream session (individually scheduled in-person / online, with each participant)
Dreams & Dreaming: an experiential workshop
An experiential workshop grounded in principles of Jungian Psychology and Processwork to understand dreams and work with them through multiple methods.
2 - 6 August 2020 / Online
21 - 25 June 2020 / Online
4 - 5 January 2020 / Navi Mumbai
21 - 22 December 2019 / Navi Mumbai
7 - 8 September 2019 / Navi Mumbai
31 August - 01 September 2019 / Navi Mumbai
2 - 3 August 2019 / Navi Mumbai
6 - 7 July 2019 / Navi Mumbai
13 - 14 April 2019 / Navi Mumbai
16 - 17 March 2019 / Navi Mumbai
Uncrossing the Rubicon: navigating life’s transitions
A workshop for participants undergoing or anticipating life transitions e.g., planned or unplanned life events such as career switch, parenthood, marriage etc. or death, chronic and terminal illness, separation from a relationship etc.
16 - 17 November 2019 / Navi Mumbai
Explorations in Feminine & Masculine
An exploration of the conceptions of male/female characteristics: an examination of how ‘violence' & 'aggression' - both within relationship and in the world - and 'love' & ‘protection’ have a masculine and feminine dimension.
12 March 2018 / Amsterdam
Dreaming to Awaken: Pathway to Self through dreams
An initiatory workshop on dreams grounded in principles of Jungian Psychology and Yoga to learn how dreams inform walking life and vice-versa.
11 March 2018 / Amsterdam
Dreaming to Awaken: inner journey
An initiatory workshop on dreams grounded in principles of Jungian Psychology and Yoga to learn how dreams inform walking life and vice-versa.
3 - 4 March 2018 / Navi Mumbai
Pathways to Self: an initiatory journey - examining the paradigms
An inner work journey through reflection of different facets of life, external and internal relationships, life roles and current context.
30 - 31 December 2017 / Navi Mumbai