The Sanskrit word Pratibimba means ‘reflection’. In human life this reflection of ourselves is often not a mirror image, but is instead coloured with our own experiences and perceptions. With the help of the supportive other, we can connect with our own ‘self’ with greater clarity. Pratibimba therefore stands out as the process of exploring and learning about the Self in the light of our own selves.
Understanding the Self is a journey where we learn to make a relationship with our own personal life journey. This relationship goes a long way in living a life that appreciates wholeness. Pratibimba is your opportunity to work on life challenges by learning and integrating the skills of embodied reflection processes.
In this 12-session journey held weekly (1-hour each), you will individually explore aspects of your own life that you wish to work upon. Utilising your current issues as the base, we begin the journey of sustained reflections and experiential explorations.
Understand the psycho-biology of oneself – our body and the role of a regulated nervous system.
Working with lifestyle habits and patterns that needs change (past or upcoming) – understanding the difficulty of breaking patterns and learning to work with them slowly.
Exploring the different roles within oneself – using one’s own inner diversity of thoughts, feelings and sensations and the voices within.
Reflecting upon the quality of one’s own self in relationships & learning to restore health in the relationships through boundary work and safety.
Learning to take conscious pauses through structured exercises – help build an understanding of inner actions/choices and their consequences.
Exploring personal concerns (e.g., career transition, relationship challenges, self-esteem, lifestyle changes etc.)
Processing of challenges emerging from the personalised inter-session self-work.
Where required, processing difficult inner feeling states and body symptoms.
Working with and negotiating with our inner figures of criticism.
Program Details
Registration Process
Please register by filling in the online form.
We will get back to you to schedule an initial intake session.
You pay fees upon closure of intake and acceptance.
We mutually schedule weekly secure online sessions.
We initiate individual work: online, weekly, 60 min. sessions with a 15-30 min. buffer.
You undertake personalised inter-session self-level work.
Program Fees*
Respecting the diversity of geography of residency & relative economies, you pay:
India & South Asia:
INR 40,000
Global North
USD 980
Global South
USD 620
* Your residency/work determines the fees payable. If your personal financial situation (irrespective of geography) comes in the way of attending, please connect with us to discuss alternatives. Likewise for residents of distressed economies. Limited scholarships available.
Refunds: Nil, upon commencement. 50%, a week before the start. 90%, if substitute is accepted and payment is complete prior to course commencement. Processing time: approx. 15 days. No refunds for sessions missed.
Disclaimer: These sessions do not substitute regular therapy and informed medical care. By engaging with us and attending these sessions, you automatically provide us with your informed consent and are bound by the principles and tenets of therapy agreement and session guidelines, as detailed on our website.
Informed Consent: You participate on your own accord in the spirit of learning, and take responsibility for your well-being. You declare that you are currently not under medicated psychiatric care. You submit that you are a legal adult in the country of your residency. You understand that your identity will be known to other participants over online medium. You consent to not recording the session in any audio-video-electronic format, though you may take notes for your personal learning. You understand that the recordings will not be shared with you - they are only for the facilitators. You agree to abide by norms of confidentiality and respect it for yourself and other participants.